Ministries and Commitees
St. John’s offers a wide range of ministries and committees for each family member to connect to the Parish community and grow closer to Christ. We encourage you to get involved!
By getting involved in a ministry or committee, you have the opportunity to get to know your church family and to make serving the Lord a bigger part of your everyday life. Christ has equipped each of us with gifts and talents. It doesn't matter what they are, but that we use them to serve Christ. At St. John's, we have opportunities that are the right fit for you!
By getting involved in a ministry or committee, you have the opportunity to get to know your church family and to make serving the Lord a bigger part of your everyday life. Christ has equipped each of us with gifts and talents. It doesn't matter what they are, but that we use them to serve Christ. At St. John's, we have opportunities that are the right fit for you!
Altar Server
To assist the Priest in various ways during the Mass including carrying the Processional Cross, dressing the altar, holding the Bible, and collecting the gifts. Must have made 1st Communion and be at least 4th grade or older. Training is provided and you will be paired up with an experienced server for the first 3 months.
Contact: Parish Office: 732-968-2621
Contact: Parish Office: 732-968-2621
Altar Rosary Prayer Group
Rosarians pray for the needs of the parish and the world primarily through devotion to the Eucharist and Our Lady by praying the Rosary. We are available to assist in small ways as needs arise. Some of our ladies help to clean the church.
Contact: Fran Furino: (732)968-0846
Contact: Fran Furino: (732)968-0846
Arts & Environment Committee
The Arts and Environment Committee works to enhance the appearance of our church during the Easter and Christmas season and assists with other decorations and clean-up as needed. The committee also maintains the altar linens.
Contact: Kate Guzzi: (732)977-2233; [email protected]
Contact: Kate Guzzi: (732)977-2233; [email protected]
Catholic Daughters
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA motto is “Unity and Charity.”
Contact: Nina DiQuollo: (908)581-9450
Contact: Nina DiQuollo: (908)581-9450
Casino Night Committee
A fundraising event to promote social interaction and raise funds for parish ministries and outreach, as well as church buildings/maintenance.
Contact: 732-968-2621
Contact: 732-968-2621
To provide spiritual formation and catechesis for parishioners of every age group through the development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Sacraments. Must be an actively practicing confirmed Catholic in good standing with the Church who attends Mass and participates regularly in the Sacraments.
Contact: Alice Fogarty: [email protected] or 732-968-2621 ext 3
Contact: Alice Fogarty: [email protected] or 732-968-2621 ext 3
Eucharistic Ministers
To assist the priest and deacon with administering the Eucharist and Precious Blood during Mass. The opportunity also exists for Homebound Ministry to bring the Body of Christ to those who are unable to join our community celebration. Those interested in Homebound Ministry should contact the Parish Office.
Contact: Martha Pizzigoni: [email protected]
Contact: Martha Pizzigoni: [email protected]
Knights of Columbus #2544Catholic Fraternal Organization for Men. To serve the community through our charitable works and functions. Must be a member and practicing Catholic.
Contact: Keith Venturella: [email protected] |
To perform the readings prior to the Gospel for the Mass. Those interested should contact the Parish Office.
Contact: Martha Pizzigoni: [email protected]
Contact: Martha Pizzigoni: [email protected]
Music Ministry
To add to the liturgical experience through music and song. Sing for Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil, and May Crowning and special liturgical events.
Contact: 732-968-2621
Contact: 732-968-2621
Social Concerns
Assists those in our community who are in need. Also supports the Ozanam Men’s Shelter.
Contact: Parish Office: 732-968-2621
Contact: Parish Office: 732-968-2621
Stewardship Committee
To support and facilitate contributions of time, treasure, and talent to the Parish. Coordinates seasonal events throughout the year.
Contact: Deacon Glenn Robitaille: [email protected]
Contact: Deacon Glenn Robitaille: [email protected]
Assist all who wish to be seated and locate seats if none appear to be available. Deliver the collections to the sacristy. Distribute church bulletins at the end of Mass.
Contact: Mike Sciametta: [email protected]
Contact: Mike Sciametta: [email protected]